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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Living for God

Being a child of the King is such an honor. Every time I think about how God sent His Son to die for my sins, it brings me to tears. I feel so unworthy of His love and mercy. And yet I am so incredibly grateful. Jesus paid a price for me that I couldn’t pay for myself. Therefore, I want to share the good news of His unconditional love and gift of salvation with everyone who will listen to me. 

Every once in a while, I like to step back and evaluate my life and ask myself some hard questions. 

If someone else was listening to my conversations, would they hear me talk about my problems, complain, or talk about the greatness of my Lord? 

Based on how I treat other people, can others see or feel the love of God in me?

Am I kind to everyone—even those who are unkind to me?

Do I talk about other people or do I pray for them?

Do I present my gift of salvation in a way that other people might want to know my amazing God?

If I am truthful with myself, I usually fail and come short on these questions. While I am not trying to live the law, I am trying to live so that others might see God in me. The absolute greatest accomplishment of my life would be if I could lead others to the Lord. I want to be a great ambassador for God and to tell of His marvelous works in my life. Oh, how He loves us. Friends, I wish for just one moment you could feel Him in your heart and soul. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world. My heart overflows with joy when He stirs my soul. 

Nothing could ever compare to the amazing feeling of His presence. Even in the midst of a storm, He can speak sweet peace to our soul. When all other ways fail, He is the way. Therefore, He deserves our praise. Let’s do everything in our power to live our lives for Him. His work is all that really matters. When we are obedient to Him and dedicate our lives to Him, then we can leave behind a powerful legacy to our children and future generations. 

One final question that I like to ask myself often is this: What do you want others to say about you at your funeral? 

Photo by Daniel Weiss on Unsplash

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

God's love for us

God knows our name. In fact, He knows everything about us. Our faults and failures, hopes and dreams are all known by Him. Regardless of it all, God still loves us. We can’t mess up so much that He stops loving us. While we might get off track from time to time, God loves us too much to forget about us. 

Every day He supplies our needs. Even during times of disobedience. Our actions don’t change His love for us. God loves us all unconditionally. In His eyes, we are all the same. We are all His beloved children. And He wants what is best for us. 

God wants us to worship Him and to serve Him and others because we are grateful to be His child and because we love Him. He wants us to pray because He loves hearing from His children. 

His blessings are new every morning. I love to watch the sunrise. Every day the light of God overcomes the darkness. It is a reminder to me that regardless of how dark my life may seem, it will not last forever. Our trials will soon pass. The darkness of this world is no match for God’s marvelous light. 

Therefore, I don’t want to dwell on the pain or the hardships of this world. I want to keep my eyes raised toward the Heavens. Even during the darkness, I want to look for the light. God’s blessings are all around us every day. We just have to focus our eyes to see them. 

Photo by Rick Follett on Unsplash

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

God carries us through the trials

God works out of our eyesight. So many times we think things are falling apart. We see the closed doors, missed opportunities, obstacles in the way, and we assume that God has left us to figure it out for ourselves. During these times it’s hard to see Him working. But I assure you that He is working. We just have to hold on and trust Him through the darkest of times. Then, when we least expect it, He will work things out— better than we could have ever imagined. 

True faith in God is trusting in Him, even when our world seems to be falling apart. Sweet friends, I’ve had these moments. I’ve endured things that I thought would destroy me. While I was submerged in my misery, God was working His plan. He does things His way. And His ways are always best.

 While it is so hard to go through the trials with Him, it is such a blessing when He works it all out and answers our prayers. This is what we need to focus on. When we focus on the blessing, then we can endure the pain of the trial. 

God sees every tear. He knows and understands the pain of our hearts. If we keep our eyes on Him, then He will deliver us. Each time when we walk through the fire and He delivers us out of it, then our faith will increase. And we will have an experience with Him. Then when another trial comes, we will remember how He delivered us previously. 

Remember…God knows your situation and He has a plan to help you. Trust in Him. Embrace the trial and ask Him to teach you through it. Get just as close to Him as you can get, and watch Him work it all out to your benefit. 
Photo from Pinterest

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Let's enjoy this day

Most of the time, we live on autopilot. We have the same routines and do the same things each day. This can be self-destructing if our habits are bad. Instead of living on autopilot, I want to be aware of what I am doing. I want to live each moment of my life—instead of drifting through my days and merely existing. 

We only get this one life to live. Therefore, we need to do everything possible to live it well. I think it has to be heartbreaking to God to watch us waste our lives. Especially when He has placed so much potential in us. God wants us to thrive each day. While most of us are just trying to survive. 

I remember that feeling of just trying to survive through each day. I had no hope or direction in my life. Every day was the same. I would wake up and complain about the whole day. And not enjoy one moment of it. Somehow I had become a victim of my life’s circumstances. Instead of trying to overcome them, I just wallowed in my misery. Sometimes on my Facebook memories, I get a glimpse of that miserable girl. And every time I read a post from that period of my life, I am so grateful to not be her, the miserable, complaining, negative girl, anymore. 

Now, I am filled with hope. Instead of complaining about my life, I praise God for it. I truly feel the gratitude in my heart each day. I welcome each day—instead of dreading it. I no longer see myself as a victim. Now, I see myself as a child of God. I am highly favored by Him. Therefore, my blessings are abundant. When I changed the way that I looked at my life, my life changed. 

What are you grateful for today?  

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Friday, February 22, 2019

Qualified in God

The moment I pushed the button to start something new the resistance showed up. Satan got in my face. He tormented my thoughts and made me doubt my decision. With every lecture that I complete, it gets a little harder to keep going. My mind wants to take me back to the safe place—where everything is comfortable. It wants me to stay right where I am without every growing or trying something new. But, my heart desires more. 

My heart wants God to mold me into a mighty soldier for Him. I want to do His work and help as many people as possible. I want to become the person that He created for me to be. Therefore, I have to be willing to walk by faith and trust Him. I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other—even when it’s really hard. Because the only way to truly overcome the resistance it to embrace it and allow it to make me stronger. 

Yesterday, as I sat down to do my work, I was feeling overwhelmed. Discouraging thoughts were looping in my mind. Distracted, I couldn’t really concentrate. When I took a break, I checked my messages. Someone had sent me a message to tell me how much my book had helped her and how she applied the things I taught her in my online course to make a difference in her life, and the lives of other people. God always knows what we need, exactly when we need it. 

The enemy is trying to make it seem like that when I get this certification it will be up to me to help other people. But, I know that I am just learning the skills. God is the One who will help others. This is His work. Sometimes He just allows me to assist Him. And, oh how I love those moments. I love it when He uses me in some way to help someone else. It is one of the greatest joys of my life. I am so thankful that He placed the desire in my heart to do more. I have this beautiful vision in my heart of God using me to help others. When Satan tells me that I am not qualified to do this work, I know that my heart is qualified in God. The day He saved me He put His spirit in my heart and I became qualified. It is His spirit that does the work anyway. God can work in the heart of a willing vessel. As long as I am obedient to Him, then together we will be able to do His great work. 

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Time is a precious gift

God created the world and everything in it. He decided what things would look like and their function. Man, however, was the only one who was given the freedom of choice. We are the creators of our own lives. While God certainly leads us and guides us, He allows us to make our own decisions. 

We get to decide if we want to serve the Lord or the devil—we can’t serve both. Do we want to choose the way of idleness or do we want to work for the Lord? When we do everything in our power to make things happen in our lives, then God will send blessings.

I have learned that there are three types of business—my business, your business, and God’s business. We can’t work in anyone else’s business. If I am focused on someone else’s gift, then I can’t fully use mine. God wants me to work in my own calling. He wants me to put all of my energy into what He has called me to do. Focusing on what other people are doing, distracts me from what I should be doing. And it always makes me feel bad. 

Friends, I can’t tell you the number of hours that I have wasted watching other people when I should have been doing what the Lord wanted me to do. It is a daily struggle. I want to open social media and scroll for hours. I want to see what all of my friends are doing. Because it takes the focus off of me and what I should be doing. Scrolling doesn’t require anything out of me. Therefore, I have realized that I have to limit my time. Otherwise, I will end up wasting a large portion of my time each day. 

Time is one of our most precious gifts. We can’t get it back once it is gone. Therefore, I want to make sure that whatever I am spending my time on is helping me or someone else in some way. Have you ever audited your time? It’s truly eye-opening to see how much time we can waste without even realizing it. So today, it is my goal to stay focused on my own business and to do the work that God wants me to do. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Do it scared

Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith and decide to do that thing we’ve always wanted to do. Even if no one else understands it. Because at the end of our lives it will be just us and God. One of my biggest fears is that I will reach that point in my life and die with my dreams still tucked safely in my heart. I don’t want to be on my deathbed and realize that God created me for more, but I was too afraid to step out of my comfort zone and really live. I want to die one day knowing that I gave my life everything that I had to give. And I want God to be pleased with me and the work that we have done together. 

God’s opinion of me and my life is important to me. I want to use all of the talents that He has given me. I don’t want to hide my gifts and not use them. It is a great honor to do the Lord’s work and I desire to do it with my whole heart. 

So yesterday, I stepped out in faith and signed up for the classes that I want to take.  Right away the enemy jumped all over me. He told me I didn’t have time to take these classes. But I know we make time for the things truly important to us. Time is going to pass anyway. I’d rather be spending my time on things that matter, than wasting it. 

In our lives, we are either growing or dying. We don’t just get to stay in the same place. Therefore, I desire to grow. I yearn to become the person God created me to be and to help others in the process. We only get one life, so let’s make it the absolute best life possible. Let’s get as close to the Lord as we can get. Let’s help as many people as we possibly can. Let’s be willing to do whatever He puts on our hearts to do. After all, He is the One who puts the desires in our hearts. And He is also the One who can give us the desires of our hearts. He already has a plan. We just need to step out in faith and trust Him.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

From victim to thriver

For many years I carried around the burden of not feeling as if I were good enough—even for God to love. It was a heavy burden to carry. The weight of it nearly destroyed me. 

You see, I thought because my body was attacked by the amniotic bands that it somehow made me less of a person. As a teenager, the devil had almost convinced me that the world would be better off without me. The enemy put his lies in my head and I believed them. I felt a deep sense of shame because I thought my scars were a punishment. I had made up a story in my mind about them. And my made up story broke my heart. It took me a long time to realize that I could change my story. 

The day I realized that I could have died, but God spared me completely changed my life. It changed my story. I went from telling my story from the voice of a victim to a survivor. Then, I was able to go from survivor to a warrior. 

Psalm 139:13-14 (KJV)
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

God doesn’t make mistakes. He creates each of us exactly like He wants us to be. My scars draw me closer to God. The help me to be empathetic to others. Living with scars has taught me to look beyond the exterior of others and into the soul. 

Now, I can talk about my scars without shame, and see them with gratitude. I am alive. The enemy attacked me in my mom’s womb, but God spared my life. Every day that I am blessed to live is such a gift. I am so grateful to God for giving me the right perspective on my life. He can help you as well. What painful story are you telling yourself? Ask God to give you the right perspective to see your situation with a new understanding. There is freedom on the other side. 

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Gratitude nourishes our soul

If we want to find happiness in our lives, then we need to practice gratitude. Gratitude nourishes our soul. It shifts our minds from a place of worry and lack to a place of abundance and joy. When I go for a walk, I thank God for as many things as I can think of. It’s kind of like a game. The more that I thank Him, the more that I can find to thank Him for. 

Being surrounded by God’s nature is such a gift. I love to watch the clouds move and to be aware of all the little movements of nature. It makes me feel so close to God. When I take in the beautiful portraits that He paints in the sky every day, I am so thankful for the sight to be able to see such beauty. As the little bird's chirp, I am thankful for the ability to hear them. Just being able to walk and talk to Him is such a blessing in my life. For years, I was barely able to walk. 

God loves a grateful heart. When we slow down and just notice all the beautiful things around us each day, then we can change our state. We can become joyful—despite our circumstances. It’s about shifting our minds to what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t yet have. 

In any moment, we can find something to be grateful for. We just need to look for it. Gratitude is one of the things that has helped me through the truly difficult moments of my life. Choosing to be grateful, even when times are tough, is one of the ways that we can defeat our enemy. While he lists all of our problems, we can silence him with our blessings. Our troubles are temporary, but the blessing of our salvation is eternal. 

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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Love wins

God created us all for a purpose. While our gifts are different, I believe our purpose is the same. I believe that God created us all to help each other. 

When we can live according to our purpose and love our neighbors as ourselves, then our lives will be so much better. Life will have meaning because it will not just be about us and what we want. 

Anytime I can live intentionally for God, instead of my own life, then I am more joyful. I find meaning in the small things and live from a place of gratitude. God gave us one of the greatest gifts imaginable when He put His love in our hearts. Everything that we need to have a wonderful life is inside of us. We just need to use it. 

The world is filled with so much suffering because we have separated ourselves from each other. We are supposed to help one another. God never intended for us to judge one another or to hurt one another. We are all the body of Christ, therefore we need to love each other and pray for each other. When we see someone in need, then we should go to them and try to help them. In helping someone else, we really help ourselves. 

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Do small things with great love

The moment that I decide to make a change in my life, the resistance shows up. My adversary wants to prevent me from doing good in my life. So he makes life just a little harder. Last night, I tossed and turned most of the night. Even when I fell asleep, I couldn’t stay asleep. So this morning, I wanted to sleep through my writing time. 

After all, what is one day? But then I remembered the promise that I had made to myself. I decided that I would show up every day and write the words on my heart—regardless of my circumstances. I can’t just show up when I feel like it. Because I know from experience that I would rarely feel like it. I have to commit to showing up because it is important to me. 

Some days the words flow onto the screen, and other days I feel as if I have to fight for each word. But, I still show up and do it. God blesses our efforts. He can take our small efforts and bless them abundantly. 

Therefore, I want to do the small things that He gives me to do each day with great love. So often we think that it’s the big things we do in life that makes the biggest difference, but I think it’s the small things. It’s the little decisions that we make each day that creates our life. If we can master the little things, then we can become the person that God created for us to be.

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Promote God's love

If we truly want to reach other people, then we need to promote what we love instead of bashing what we hate. The moment that we step into self-righteousness and start judging others, then we lose any chance of reaching them. As long as we are judging the sins of others then we can’t love them. When we decide to love them right where they are in their lives, then we can pray for them. And our prayers will reach them. 

We should be kind, loving, and compassionate to ALL people. Not just the ones who live according to our beliefs. Until we have walked a mile in their shoes, then we can’t understand why they do the things that they do. Regardless, God commanded us to love our neighbors. If we want to turn our country around, then we need to love others as God loves us. 

God doesn’t want us to fight about what is right and wrong. When I talk about God, it is because He is so great in my life that I want others to know Him as well. I want others to experience the greatness of my Lord and to feel His amazing love. 

Matthew 22:37-40 (KJV)
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Today, as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let’s show others the love of God and focus on His amazing love. The Bible tells us that love can cover a multitude of sins. We need to remember that the battle is God’s, not ours. He is in control. Anytime we can show others love, instead of hate, anger or judgment then we gain victory. 

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Just be you

Comparing ourselves to others steals our joy. It does not serve us in any way. When we compare ourselves to others then it either makes us feel as if we are better than they are or it makes us feel as if we are not as good. Either emotion is not good for us. Every day we just need to live our best life and not worry about what other people are doing. We need to do things for the joy that it brings into our lives. 

It took me a long time to enjoy the process of writing. For so long, I judged every word that I recorded onto the page. I wouldn’t allow the natural flow to happen because I held back. In my mind, I needed to do this to protect myself. Suppressing the feelings made me feel as if I was in control. But in doing that, I also suppressed my joy. When I was finally able to let go and just write, without judgment or suppression, then I was able to get into the flow of writing and actually create the stories of my heart. Now, I give myself permission to write whatever pops into my mind—whether it is good or bad. Knowing that I can always edit it later. 

While there are many people in this world more talented than I am, no one else can tell my story. Our uniqueness is in how we do it. I read lots of books and no two authors are exactly the same. Every one of them has their own unique style. 

Trying to be like everyone else takes away from our own uniqueness. One of the greatest things that we can do in this world is learning to be ourselves. God gave us all gifts. It is up to us to discover the gift that He gave us. It is a process. Learning to write from my heart, took me a while to discover. But if we show up every day, determined to use our gifts, then God will show us how to use them. I write every day. Not for money or fame, but for the joy it brings into my life. 

I used to write for other people. Therefore, I allowed their criticism to enter my heart. At times along this journey, I have even allowed the harsh opinions of others to cause me to stop writing. Then one day, I realized that I had to write for me first. When I write authentically from my soul, it helps me first, then I can share it with others. 

Every day, as I sit down to write, I ask God to help me to help someone else with my writing. And He always blesses me to write what I need. God is the one who can take a little and bless it abundantly. 

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Overcome life's hardships with the goodness of the Lord

How do you view the world, your life, and, most importantly, God? 

I went through a period in my life where I constantly put myself down. During this time, I saw everything as bad and in a negative light. I called myself worthless and focused more on the shame of being a sinner than I did on the beautiful gift of salvation. As long as I was focusing on my shame of sinning, then the guilt of what Jesus endured for me was heartbreaking. Therefore, I focused more on shame rather than joy. 

Now, I choose to focus on the joy. Yes, Jesus suffered for me. And knowing that makes me feel so loved by Him. It was the love of God that covered all of our sins. He doesn’t want us to dwell on the sin. He was us to focus on His great love for us and to tell of the hope inside of us. 

We need to strive to radiate God’s love every single day. God doesn’t want us to walk around with our heads down complaining about the evil in the world. He wants us to speak about our faith and how God helps us through our every struggle. Our conversations need to be so filled with God’s goodness that other people feel a sense of hope just by talking to us. 

So often we make ourselves miserable by what we choose to believe. As long as we walk around feeling defeated then we will be defeated. The battle is in our minds. Our God is mighty. He has never been defeated by the enemy. That is what we need to focus on. 

Right now I have troubles in my life. Each trial seems overwhelming to me. I have decisions to make and I don't know what to do. Therefore, I have two options. I can worry myself sick about my hardships or I can pray about them and turn them over to God. He knows exactly what I need to do. He knows the solution to my every problem. And it is His good pleasure to help us. I try to carry burdens that were never meant for me to carry. They need to be surrendered to my Lord. 

I want to live from a place of gratitude. I want to be so focused on the goodness of my Lord that His goodness is all I can see. Last night, as I went to bed the negative thoughts started running through my mind. I could feel my body tensing up. Then, I shifted my thoughts. I drifted off to sleep thinking about the goodness of my Lord. Every day I want to live well, love deeply, and focus on what truly matters. 

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Follow God

We all go through periods in our lives when we just don’t understand why we feel a certain way or why we are going through a particular trial. As much as we want for things to stay the same, God has a plan for our lives. In order to follow Him, we have to be willing to do things differently at times. Stepping out in faith, when we don’t understand it all can be so scary. 

Before I follow Him, I want to see the whole picture. I want to know my next step before I take this one. Faith, however, means that we need to trust God—in all situations. Even when we can’t see the whole plan, we have to take the first step by faith. 

God has never let me down. Anytime that I have put my trust in Him, He has delivered me from my troubles. I am the one who makes a mess of things. But, I want to have a good life and to become the person God created me to be. Therefore, I need to follow Him. I want Him to lead me and to guide me the right way. I want to follow my Lord, even when it’s hard, and when I don’t understand it all. Because when I follow the Lord, He will mold me into a mighty vessel, capable of doing His work.

Job 23:10 (KJV)
10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

It is during my trials that God molds me and I get to learn more about Him. Instead of resisting Him through the hardships, I want to draw closer to Him and embrace the trial. When I embrace the whole process, then God can teach me. As long as I am resisting the trail, then I preventing myself from learning. 

I love it when I can surrender it all to Him and trust Him to do what is best. I love getting to see how He works. Every single time that I go through something challenging with Him, I feel a deeper connection with Him. When I come out the other side, I am changed in some way. The trial always gives me a beautiful gift. And when God blesses me to see how He worked it all for my benefit, my heart overflows with joy. God is amazing and I am so grateful for every opportunity that He gives me to grow and to learn more about His ways. It is during this process that I feel so deeply loved by Him. 

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Sunday, February 10, 2019

God gives the increase

Have you ever found yourself in a place of misery and wondered how you ended up there? It doesn’t happen overnight. Each bad decision that we make takes us farther away from where we want to be. Until we find ourselves consumed by the darkness. The beautiful light that our souls desire seems so far away. We stumble around in the darkness, desperately seeking the light. Forgetting that the light is inside of us. It’s been there the whole time. 

When we have a problem, it’s only natural to seek outside solutions. After all, we are searching for something to dull the pain. The only one who can fix the pain, however, is the one who created it. We create our own pain, therefore we must search within ourselves for the answers to fix it. In my experience with God, He doesn’t just fix my problems. But, He gives me the wisdom to fix them myself. When we do everything that we can do, then God will do the things we can’t do. 

It is like a farmer who plants a garden. While he can plow the ground and plant the seeds, he can’t make it grow and increase the harvest. But if we fail to plant the seeds, then God won’t have anything to increase. It takes works combined with faith. If we are willing to work, then God will do His great work in us.  

Sometimes it is uncomfortable. When we want to change something about our lives or get closer to God, it will be hard. But the blessing is greater than the hardship. If we can just keep our eyes on the harvest, then we will be able to do the work. So often, I get discouraged because I want to reap the rewards before I have put in the work.

Today, we need to trust in the fact that God has a perfect plan for us. He knows exactly how to help us. God knows what we need when we need it. We just need to seek Him with our whole heart and wait for our instructions. Once He gives us the guidance we need to do whatever He tells us to do. Usually, the ways of God are easy. We sometimes miss His instructions because it is so simple that we stumble over it. I normally have to do it my way and fail before I will go to God. Then, when He tells me what to do again, I realize that I have caused myself so much pain and misery because I didn’t listen to Him the first time.

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Friday, February 8, 2019

God, please bless me to help one more

It is a gift to be able to look into the eyes of someone in pain and to share a moment of understanding. Sometimes, one of the most powerful things that we can say to someone else is I’ve been there as well. Once we have walked in another’s shoes then we have compassion for them. We know what that kind of pain feels like. We know the heartache. Therefore, we can use the heartache, compassion, and love to pray for those who are hurting. 

I sincerely thank God for my years of pain. Every day I ask Him to bless me to help one person. Being able to help one of God’s children is such an honor. I love it when He gives me the opportunity. With each person that He blesses me to help, I ask Him for just one more. 

Then, all day long I look for the opportunities that He puts before me. It helps me to approach each person throughout my day as the one God selected for me to help. When I am helping someone else then I don’t think about my own problems as much. It helps me to direct my focus away from myself and on to God. 

Sometimes God moves in a mighty way and gives me a glimpse of who I am helping and a specific way to help them. Other times it is small things like a smile, compliment, 
or conversation that He blesses me to share with others all throughout my day. 

Today, I urge you to try it as well. It is such a blessing to be able to help someone else in any way. When we desire to serve God, then He will provide the opportunities. Serving others feeds my soul. It makes me feel as if my life matters and gives me purpose. One of the greatest things I have learned is that my life is not just about me. 

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Author shares message through Zippy the zebra